Hello atmosphere,
I've only become recently aware of the consequences of overdamping on bass performance. Thanks for your additional useful info.
Like I previously stated, this makes a lot of sense to me when thinking of my experiences with class D amplification. As I'm sure you're aware, class D amps typically have very high damping factors, my current D-Sonic mono-blocks are >1,000. I always thought high damping factors were a positive factor but now understand it's probably best in moderation.
Luckily, I utilize the same Swarm 4-sub bass system as you that powers all 4 subs with a 1K watt class AB amp that I perceive as having a lower damping factor. Do you think I'm correct in assuming the high powered 1,200 watt class D monos with damping factors >1,000, that power my Magnepan 2.7QR main speakers, could be beneficial on the leading edges of bass notes and, combined with the more natural bass note decays reproduced by the Swarm/class AB amp, provide the best of both worlds with a more balanced and natural overall bass presentation?
I guess since it sounds like that to me, that's what's important and I answered my own question. But I just wanted to know if this makes sense to you or if I'm just fooling myself.