It’s futile to have a conversation with someone who’s going to invent quotes as he goes along, so we’re nearing the end of your little "debate."
I read the linked website info and it reads more like the work of a professional advertising copy writer promoting a client’s product that he doesn’t completely understand, which is actually the case, than a knowledgeable and experienced speaker designer sharing his expertise ...Opinion stated as fact. Have you contacted Vandersteen to confirm your speculation that he neither wrote the quoted material nor believes it to be true?
The truth is that acoustical engineers and experts have known for decades that humans are unable to localize sounds (determine where the sounds are originating from) below about 80 Hz ...Opinion stated as fact. I’ve already provided you references to scientific material that conflict with this claim. You might want to do some research.
CDs, DVDs, digital high resolution music files and Blu-rays ... all of these recording methods sum the entire bass content to mono below about 80 Hz.Opinion stated as fact.
You’ve already acknowledged that there are zero commercially available music recordings on any format with stereo bass content below 80 Hz, since you’ve previously stated you had to revert to recording your own content with stereo bass below 80 Hz.I never, ever said that. Ever.
It’s futile to have a conversation with someone who’s going to invent quotes as he goes along, so we’re nearing the end of your little "debate."
Psychoacoustics is the study of how the brain processes inputted soundwave information from the ears and forms our perceptions of sounds.There’s much more to pyschoacoustics than just that, dear sir. Did you know, for example, that pyschoacoustics also includes studying how expectations, such as prejudice, influence what we hear? That part of the science may be of particular value to you!