Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thank You for the suggestion to bighempin's phono stage query.

Any other Panel members wish to recommend their suggestion(s)?

Happy Listening!
Prof - I only saw the setup in the factory and did not witness a demonstration. But John's explanation did not include a blind component, rather it was a live vs recorded comparison tool. The "band" would play and be recorded live to listeners, and then that recording was played back immediately to the same listeners in the same place - very few uncontrolled variables.

I have read about show demos with a guitarist, etc. between two speakers who may or may not have been playing the strings as the recording of the previous verse may or may not have been coming through the speakers. That's second-hand hearsay, but the boldness itself is impressive.
Jafant and Prof - I don't know if it is well known that Thiel and CJ had a very close relationship to the extent of many visits as well as trade of equipment, ideas and methodologies. We used each others' equipment both publicly and privately as well as cross-polinated ideas and solutions. Although Thiel generally used SS equipment at shows for its neutrality, dependability and bass control, we used tubes quite a bit for development. Our critical listening / explorations most often were carried out with CJ and ARC amplification with the SS amps for verification.

In my first 20 years time-frame the CJ x Thiel relationship was by far the closest peer interaction that we had. Kathy and Dawn stay at Bill's house in DC in their travels there.

Very cool Tom!

I first heard Thiels on tubes at CES - in the VAC room where Kevin Hayes was using Thiel CS6s.  I was completely entranced by the combo.  Not being able to afford VAC and already having good experience with lower priced CJ amps, I sprung for the big CJ Premier 12 monoblocks, tried them with the CS6 and there was that magical sound I'd heard at the show.

But then, I tend to prefer certain tube amps on most speakers.  I've never been able to settle in for very long with an SS-powered system.