Jafant and Prof - I don't know if it is well known that Thiel and CJ had a very close relationship to the extent of many visits as well as trade of equipment, ideas and methodologies. We used each others' equipment both publicly and privately as well as cross-polinated ideas and solutions. Although Thiel generally used SS equipment at shows for its neutrality, dependability and bass control, we used tubes quite a bit for development. Our critical listening / explorations most often were carried out with CJ and ARC amplification with the SS amps for verification.
In my first 20 years time-frame the CJ x Thiel relationship was by far the closest peer interaction that we had. Kathy and Dawn stay at Bill's house in DC in their travels there.
In my first 20 years time-frame the CJ x Thiel relationship was by far the closest peer interaction that we had. Kathy and Dawn stay at Bill's house in DC in their travels there.