Parasound JC-1 - How old is too old?

A local shop has a pair of JC-1s in on trade that I am considering. They are still checking with Parasound to determine when they were produced, but I'd like to hear from JC-1 owners (current or in the past) about their experience with these amps regarding long-term reliability. If anyone has re-capped their JC-1s, how old were they, and how much did it cost? Thanks for the help. 
O...M...G! Did somebody just mistake me for George of the Jungle? Whoa, Daddy! 😦
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Electrolytic caps made in the 1980's were not nearly as reliable as those made after 2000.

30-40 years may be a better time frame for new caps. Also, temp ratings matter. Higher rating = longer life, so when you upgrade, see if higher temp caps are available for the main power supply filter caps.
Thanks for all the replies. Makes me feel a bit more comfortable buying an older unit. 
Well, I went down to the dealer this morning to check out the amps, and one of them had stopped working just before I got there. The amps were produced in 2007. This convinced me that I really didn't want to deal with an older amp again. 

I mentioned to the dealer that I was also interested in the JC-5, and he offered me a good discount on a brand new one. So I went for it. Should have the amp by the end of this coming week.