Dear Nandric,
Agnostic? Yes. Dogmatic? Hell no! But I do own 4 different FR-7 types, including the MC-702 which I regards as FR-7. I suppose this borders on ’religious’ or at least on being a strong believer. So I’m ’allowed’, thank goodness. 😋
On visual inspection the cantilever of the MC-702 doesn’t appear to be any shorter. This can be deceptive, but it is confirmed by the fact that it exactly hits the three ’o’ points of the Stevenson alignment on the Feickert protractor, just like the other three. I’m not at all suggesting Ikeda was ’dogmatic’, but he definitely was consistent.
As for that elusive Miyabi Ivory, I’ve actually seen it for sale twice this past years. Once on eBay by a Russian seller and once here on Audiogon by grgaudio, as part of a Miyabi ’wholesale’ with all the incarnations except the MoFi Carbon. I was outbid on eBay and the asking price of grgaudio was too steep for me at that time, but the Ivory is still on my radar......