With all due respect, think you might have miss the point of a lot of the posters on this thread. Most are not against ALL dealers that post in this forum, just the ones....ONE who posts daily pushing his products and dismissing products he doesn't carry, then arguing with posters that don't agree with him.
Again, pushy dealers with one purpose only (in the forum) are the real offenders. Dealers the post occasionally with good advise are a real asset.
With all due respect, think you might have miss the point of a lot of the posters on this thread. Most are not against ALL dealers that post in this forum, just the ones....ONE who posts daily pushing his products and dismissing products he doesn't carry, then arguing with posters that don't agree with him.
Again, pushy dealers with one purpose only (in the forum) are the real offenders. Dealers the post occasionally with good advise are a real asset.