Dear endgewear, Ikeda produced at least 4 different tonearms.
To know if he was consistent one should know geometry of
each of them. I do remember ( vague) that some Russian cart
producer uses ivory for his cart bodies . The ''theory'' seems
to be based on acoustic properties of, say, ''bones'' . I think that
I have some ''hammer'' mede from bone in my ear. But this is
my limited medical knowledge. Besides I have seen so many
different materials for the bodies , even naked (aka without body)
kinds that I have no idea what or whom to believe(grin). Alas I
sold all other FR-7 kinds except FR-7 fz. So no chance to check. Besides I moved on to those cantileverless kinds with 9 REX as my latest purchase.
To know if he was consistent one should know geometry of
each of them. I do remember ( vague) that some Russian cart
producer uses ivory for his cart bodies . The ''theory'' seems
to be based on acoustic properties of, say, ''bones'' . I think that
I have some ''hammer'' mede from bone in my ear. But this is
my limited medical knowledge. Besides I have seen so many
different materials for the bodies , even naked (aka without body)
kinds that I have no idea what or whom to believe(grin). Alas I
sold all other FR-7 kinds except FR-7 fz. So no chance to check. Besides I moved on to those cantileverless kinds with 9 REX as my latest purchase.