Restrictions, behind the 8 ball.

As a confirmed generalist I have determined there are 8 restrictions directly influencing one's direction in this hobby. It is however possible to either ignore them all or be paralysed by any, some, and/or all of them. If one chooses the first option...more power to you and by all means share the ride.

1. Economic- probably the greatest restriction or right next to....
2. Social- most of us have a significant other who plays a role. If not most of us have neighbors.
3. Philosophical- whatever baggage, assumptions,  experience, we bring to the turntable. It's there for most of us. It can also be an attitude of learning and humility. 
4. Spatial- where is all this stuff going to reside? The dreaded listening ROOM.
5. Aesthetic- very much a lurker; if not specifically you, and I doubt it, see number 2.
6. Auditory--how many of us know our range of hearing? You could even be an outlier and not have a clue.
7. Listening preferences- Metallica or Mendelssohn? Al Hirt or Wierd Al?
8. Choices- yes when you make a choice in this world it can lead directly to restricting your next decision, or distorting a previous decision. 


I felt the original post was interesting and thoughtful. For me, the post describes exactly why there are so few people who pursue this hobby. It's expensive, it's technical is an unfriendly way (experienced people can't agree on what designs sound good), it takes up a lot of room, and it requires a tolerant spouse (unless you've got a dedicated room your partner can't watch TV when you're playing loud music). The one thing that Joe didn't mention is that there are a lot of people in this hobby who are assholes. If one is going to dive into this hobby one must have a high tolerance for jerky behavior. I think that partly explains the dearth of women audiophiles.

I wouldn't call the choices issue a restriction, however. It's more an issue of philosophy. In my case I seem to prefer the sound of less sensitive conventional speakers and I have a 185 lb. Krell amp (1200 watts @ 2 ohms) to drive them. A friend offered to sell me his hard-to-drive Thiel CS6 speakers and because I had the power to run them I jumped at the chance. I will never be an 8 watt SET guy.

Anyway, if Joe remains as introspective as his post indicates high-end audio will be a rewarding adventure. Coming into this hobby with a philosophical curiosity plus an appreciation of the trade-offs we weigh with every decision is a large part of the fun, at least for me.
Thanks 8th note,
I am a veteran of some tough forums...boating, fishing, pipes....yes tobacco pipes. I try not to rise to the bait. 
My system journey is just beginning. I have realized two things so, the spouse is there and none too tolerant.
Second, Murphy has been my constant companion since birth tubes for me!
Some of the tubes in my amplifier are nearly as old as me, and I’m 65. Murphy hasn’t even knocked on the door.  Besides, I can much more easily replace a tube than an integrated circuit or some other ss device.
If you gave me a toy block set, I could not get the square peg in the square hole. Furthermore I would damage both the hole and the peg. And on top of that if I went to purchase you a replacement set and given two new sets to choose from, I would choose wrongly.
Joe, I feel you're being too hard on yourself. We've all had Homer Simpson moments but hopefully they are all instructive and educational. Hang in there.