Merlin vsm with BAM between pre and power

Any merlin owners like to use BAM between pre amp and power amp…. (instead of connecting it between source and pre amp)
More on the Master BAM. Maybe I have 20 hours on it. Don't know if it is getting better, proabably is, but truth is I was looking for it to do that - was great "out of the box". Today, 3-4 Lucinda Williams albums. Not sure how the Master BAM does it, but all the signal is going through it from the source (EMM Labs)and the best way I can describe it, and when you hear it you knwo what I am talking about, is that it simply seems like there is less between the recording and what I am hearing. Less noise, less compression, less coloration, less flattening out of dynamics, in a word, less of the obvious sonic signature of electronics (a sure case of less is more), why I say the upgrade is every bit as noticeable as an upgrade to a preamp or amp. Does this make the Super BAM obsolete? Heck no; it was and is still part of a great sounding Merlin-based system. Yet, if you were heare the SuperBAM and then the MasterBAM and asked which you wanted to keep, I think your choice would be easy. Now the fact that the Deuland upgrade is not cheap, might cause you pause, it is alot of money, but, if you have it, and want more from your Merlins, it is well worth the money IMHO.

pubul thanx

i surely wlll go for all kinds of upgrades possible for merlins including the much waited merlin subwoofer too!!!

hello bobby

thank you for your inputs

options are

1, SS power amp with my capitol reference CD with inbult pre (BAM between pre and power)

2, SS integrated

3, SS power now later add a pre(valve or SS)

which way to go...but i want a SS amp

audio aero pre is only OK. my audio aero has the pre option too.

id suggest that before you upgrade your merlins, you get good and familiar with what you have/get and then make the move, or not.

i'd also suggest you consider a nice tubed preamp and tube amp to really help with the smiles! for example, perhaps you have ever noticed that ALLmost all electric guitar players uses tubed amps? ever wonder why...there is a reason. ok, i'll give you a hint..the sound! woops, that's the answer.

i've had loads of like with atam mp-3, and even more with mp-1. having the option to tube roll in your pre will also allow you to further fine tune your system to your satisfaction.

good luck