As you know I have an Ikeda Kiwame, having previously had the original Ikeda 9. I like them very much, they are quick and very open through the mids - easily the best cartridge for me back in the 80's.
The Decca London Gold with Garrott Microscanner - very quick but the Ikeda at its best has more flesh and bones through the mids.
I first had the Ikeda back in the 80's - at this time it was very rare outside of Japan and certainly no magazine had reviewed it. This is why it is relatively unknown. Rowland Complement was the only version known in the US.
The main issue was variability, some tracked beautifully, others were difficult.
Subsequently, my Dynavector Nova 13D which I have owned since the early 90's, has more resolution than the Ikeda particularly in the mids to upper mids and tracks beautifully since it was last upgraded by Dynavector Japan with Microridge stylus and other tuning.
I dont have much experience with the new Ikedas, I have heard the Kai, preferred it to the Air Tight cartridge on the same TT. In some ways I think the Ikeda 9TS is more musical than the more expensive models - but thats only an impression from very brief listening in desparate systems.