Has anyone finally decided to sell their Turntable and Vinyl collection?

It Maybe a little strange to ask this question here since clearly this is a forum for folks still loving and using Vinyl.
So I am looking for some feedback from folks that play very little of their LPs these days and have decided to sell all of it (or already have). I have thought about it for years seems like a hassle trying to sell your TT and or your record collection, that is mainly why mine stays put (not because I use it).

Anyway if you have sold - (Not if you’re keeping it forever)

Have you regretted it?
Or is to nice to reduce the clutter and happily move on?

Some people would never sell their analog rig and collection, I get that.

I have 1200 to 1300 vinyl albums collected during the 70’s and 80’s.  Most are in very good to excellent condition because, I recorded about 40 reels and 100 cassettes from my favorite ones and mostly listened to them. I went the CD route for a while and have 500 to 600.  In the late 80’s I stopped buying music and simply enjoyed what I had.  

I used a Technics SL-1600MK2 TT with Pickering cartridges since the 80’s.  Last year I purchased a Technics 1200G w/ Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge.  Wow, what a major difference in SQ. I also purchased a completely new rig with the 1200G.  

I stream Tidal from a SonicTransporter and my CD collection from an Innous Zenith MKII.  The SQ is great.  I never thought CDs could sound so good, and I really like MQA.  But I like the sound coming from my new TT the best.

I have vinyl that you can’t find on any streaming site.  So I plan to keep mine around.  I find myself streaming more these days because it’s easier; however, when me and the wife are enjoying our listening room or we have friends over, it’s usually vinyl all the way.
   Whether it's to reduce clutter, desire to make some money, or to ditch vinyl in favor of some newer media are questions for an individual to ask. CD's, media streaming, and all the other sources are tempting for all who favor the formats.
   Some recordings in the digital format can never reach the realism of a well recorded vinyl media. And, some of the original music recorded on vinyl and then transferred to digital sounds better. Just depends on what the quality of the original recording was.
   So...depends on tastes, equipment, and the first three questions at the beginning of this post.

I donated about 1,500 albums 5 years ago when we moved; I certainly don't regret losing those. I kept about 2,000, and my plan is to get down to about 1,000 before we move again. That may involve some painful decisions.

But I would never give up vinyl altogether. It's been part of my life since I was 10 years old, and now I'm 60.   :-)
I would never want to sell my record collection or my turntables. Half because I love the experience and half because I live in Canada where very few people can afford nice things, let alone be aware they exist and want them, so the market isn’t there. I’d have to rent a dumpster. 
I start buying vinyl back in Jr. high school...circa 1977. My collection really exploded when I discovered the independent record in Hartford , which was Capitol Records. I got into alternative and punk bands, predominantly English bands. During this time there were so many cool small independent record lables, such as Rough Trade, which became part of Sire. My two favorite lables were 4AD and Play It Again Sam Records.

One big component of these small lables was the EP. Many small band's would break through with a four song EP that would be played on college radio.

Ofcaorse then there was the dance remix of  so many cool songs that could be played in the local dance Goth club. In Boston that sacred space was called Spit...later it became Axis and Tuesday night was the night to be there. The DJ's name was Sean and he wa a Zen master of industrial dance music.

So as a result of clubbing my collection grew exponentially based on what he was spinning...much of this stuff we could get at Tower Records or Newbury Comics.

My collection became quite extensive and a great representation of punk, new wave, and alternative.

By 1996 I was newly married and my son would be born in '98 so my "scenester" days were now in the rear view mirror.

Coincidentally the owners of Mystery Train Records in Boston relocated to Amherst, when we now lived, and since money was tight I regretably began peeling off my collection, which was over 600 pieces by now, and these folks always knew I had something good to cash in or trade for a CD when I walked into the store.

Plus I knew some up and coming Goth kid would treasures these gems as I once did.

I do regret not keeping my beloved favorites.

If you are wondering why my collection was on the small side...well I was Dead head and I was a taper and had  alive bootlet cassette collection of over 600 shows.

I used to buy Memorex XLII by the case... And believe it or not I still have a few hundred left but need to find a new tape deck so I can to play them.

So I may buy a newTT and cassette deck to get back in the game....or not lol.