The best looking speakers

I have 2 systems in my house. I am quite happy with what I have.
but I was wondering, what are the best looking speakers out there?
I haven’t taken up the question of new speakers with my wife, but more aesthetically pleasing speakers might help my cause/diseas.  
Gale 401a [the chrome end ones]. 45 years on they are still the most beautiful speaker made and they sound better than 99% of modern speakers too.Next to that Sonus Faber Amati Futura are gorgeous sculptural things that also sound superb.
Sonus Faber seems to come up most often and their upper line is certainly beautifully made. The Aida is also beautiful to listen to. If I had a room that was unacceptable for a Big ESL that is what I would go with. 
Oh and notice how nobody talks about Wilson, YG or Magico. Are they on the right path? 
Depending on the surrounding decor, personal taste, and budget, the understated elegance of Daedalus Audio speakers may be worth considering. From their website:

All of our speaker cabinets are made with solid .75” thick renewable North American Hardwoods. There are no veneers or MDF. For over twenty five years we have been building speaker cabinets of solid hardwood for both home and professional use, and they have been used worldwide proving the durability, sonic and visual excellence of solid wood.

The hardwood for every pair of speakers is individually matched and chosen with the preferences of the client in mind, very much the same process as having a fine instrument custom built by a luthier. These are heirloom speakers and the hardwood is the heart of every pair.

And if you research comments on them in past threads here and elsewhere I think you’ll find that their combination of "fast" and dynamic yet very natural sound character, high efficiency, high power handling capability, benign impedance characteristics, and versatility with respect to amplification hold a lot of appeal as well.  And, last but not least, Lou Hinckley of Daedalus is a pleasure to deal with

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al