Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?
Dear thuchan, I thought you are ignoring your ''old friend''. Thanks for your advice and willingness to help. I would order the Apolyt if I
had sufficient room and money .  My problem is actually that I am
not able to hear the difference between (good) TT's. 
Dear Nandric,
a question of age, ears or room condition?
i was approached by some people who are wearing ear plugs all the time. They told me it will improve the capability of listening, also to good music. I checked myself, so far everything is fine, except of a little valley at around 1000 Hz. No need at the time being.
Room condition: With your new Apolyt arriving soon we might change your room condition a little. Sleeping room or living room? Shall I accompany the table transport?
never forget friends, especially when they are music lovers.

Dear thuchan, My worst ''subject'' at school was mathematics. 
So you can understand that using to many variables is not
to my liking, or, better,  to my capabilities. Regarding my age I
hope ''the older the wiser''. Reg. my ears I never needed to visit
an ''ear specialist''. Regarding my room acoustics I give up.
To complicated for me. But, lucky me, like you I have two
systems one of which is in my bad room. Much smaller but
more to my ''innocente'' liking. 
I had no idea that you are so good in teasing. 

Dear Nandric,
teasing is one of my specialities.
regarding the new rules I have to concentrate on audio only...

btw. The EMT 927 receives enormous price jumps.
imagine a nearly 60 year old product beating so many young tables!

Dear thuchan, If your suggestion is that I can't afford EMT 927 
you are wrong. But I must admit no to be able to afford Apolyt (grin).