Technical sophistication

Since joining this forum, I've been both amazed and sometimes intimidated by the technical sophistication of contributors. I'm wondering if many of you are engineers or have some similar background.

It seems that in-depth knowledge is sometimes (oftentimes?) required to set up a top-level system and - despite reading a couple of books and this forum, supplemented with online sites and a subscription to "Stereophile" (and "Absolute Sound" in the HP era) - I have no clear and present idea about what's going on, at least at a fundamental level. I've had "audiophile" (as defined by reviewers at various points in time) equipment for decades, but I consider myself a dilettante in this arena.

So, what are forum members perspectives on this observation?
I think you should go by your ears more than any technical sophistication.

Ultimately, your ears and personal pleasure and experience is what matters.

Having said that, learning and talking about technology is a lot of fun. Trying to figure out WHY things sound good or bad or a particular way is endlessly amusing. However, this is like arguing over the value of cobalt in an oil painting. Ultimately, the finished product, and how much pleasure it gives you hanging on your wall is more important.

All someone has to do is use the word sophistication and uber shows up! 😀