Why flag a post?

Just interested, being here on the forums for almost twenty years I have never flagged a post. The function must be there for a reason though. We are all different. Are some just more easily offended, or more sensitive to the, at times, course ebb and flow of the forums?
My main reason would be for the obvious spam and junk posts that were occurring a few months ago and were just clogging the forums.

It does appear Agon has fixed that but at that time whenever I saw any I flagged them to bring to attention of the mods so they could clean up in aisle 5!

Yes, those spamming efforts were tiresome but I, too, flagged as many as I could.

As for the censorship that comes from thin skinned folk who like to dish it out but can't take it, I think the answer's in the beginning of this sentence. 👍

My only addendum to that would be the unwarranted piling on of some members who promote a certain product that those others can't, and won't, tolerate, but, that's just another form of censorship.

All the best,
I haven’t flagged very many posts, and with a few isolated exceptions (involving posts that were particularly egregious in some way) almost all of those I have flagged have been placed by spammers, for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes. Some spammers are particularly adept at sneaking their posts into threads that have been dormant for a long while, and disguising what they are doing by inserting a few words that are vaguely related to the thread, in addition to the spam link that is intended to elevate the linked site in search engine results.

IMO the moderators generally do an excellent job of keeping threads from turning into unconstructive nonsense and childish exchanges of personal insults, and they do that under what are often very challenging circumstances. So I’ve usually not felt it necessary to report such posts. Although I’ll admit that there are times when I wish certain members would just go away :-)

Best regards,
-- Al

Lmao @almarg 

Wink, wink,nudge,nudge, say no more, say no more.

Nods as good as a wink to a blind horse.