Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
128x128rja i have been hearing about a Polish Cap The KPCU (From Don Sachs-- this the Cap that he Listens to in his Pre) that is One of the BEST caps out there at any i sent my stock AM3 Dac up to Vlad ( To Once again break out his Magic Audio wand) and He to is impressed with this Polish Cap.(Especially at its price... nothing can touch it) so he installed the KPUC caps...Z-foil resistors and had him jump out the fuse(voids the warranty..but i love to take chances..HA!).....well all i can say (After 250hrs of burn in) is that this GREAT stock Dac just Blew my mind with more Detail..Mini and Macro...soundstage that grew in every direction(width..height and depth) and a sound that made me quit Listening to my 5K anolog rig!! i call this Mod His Mini Maxed out version and couldn’t be more excited with the results!...and would not trade or sell this DAC for any other(last dac after many others was the Schitt yggy 2 that made my ears Bleed after more than One Hour..TRUTH!) So if you have a stock AM3 or are getting ready to place a order...ask Vlad on this great Polish cap upgrade that will save you about $200 (compared to his maxed out Duelund Cap Version) and will turn a very good Dac into something VERY special!.. some more audio food for thought and as always with anything audio YMMY! and PM me if you want any more info on this special Dac>>>Love..Peace and Audio Grease!
The Cap that i forgot to mention by name Is The Miflex KPCU (And Read  what Soinc Craft has to say about this cap...and they KNOW caps!!)
I just ordered one (fully upgraded).  Will update at some point during the 10 day demo...  I have high hopes.  I tried to update my PS Audio Perfectwave DAC with a Directstream and ended up going back to the PWD after a month or two.  The DSD just didn't sound natural in my system.  This will be my second attempt at a new digital source.

I really wanted to, and was going to try those Miflex caps in my Tubadour, but then I found out how large they measure! Massive! I didn’t know how I would be able to fit them in there. I ended up going with the very nice Jupiter Copper Foil and Wax caps, and love ‘em, and love this DAC. What tubes are you running?? 
Yes The Caps are a tight fit but Vlad had no problem with the install...running stock tubes at the present...What do you recommend?...and yes...there is no better DAC that i know or heard at this price...if so...please turn me on to it(But i still wouldn’t sell my AM3..TRUTH!)...To cal3713....give it at least 4 days of no stop playing b 4 you sit down and get its grove on...After the first 2 days i was ready to send it back...but i have been at this game for over 30yrs and knew to chill and give it another day or so ...and then the sky opened up and the musical sun ran down over my system and i knew this was a keeper!