Today has confirmed my experiments with the multiple Schuman generators used like enhancers apparatus for the stones and crystals grids... I added 2 other connections by cable that had an immediate impact on the soundstage of the headphones... That let me think that the crystals and stones act like some kind of filters among the interlocked electro-magnetic fields of all the gear...
The difference with the Stein Harmonizer that act on the air of the room, after the marketing saying so, is that my grid act on the interlocked E.M.fields mostly I think...The S.G. act on the interlocked E.M.fields also connected to this stones grid...The perception that the S.G. act on the air of the room is an illusion... Simply the S.G. modify the relationship between the different frequencies between the interlocked E.M fields of the audio system, modifying then the complex information conveyed toward the speakers... All that is my thinking and I am by far no scientist at all, I just try to understand something most dont understand either...But I dont believe now the explanations of those who explain how the molecules of the air are modify etc etc ...I prefer my hypothesis about interlocked E.M. field filtering by the stones grid and a lowering of the level of noise...I dont negate that something can possibly modify the molecular atmosphere of the room, ionization of the air for example is able to make listening way more musical...But my hypothesis is more potent I thing to understand this amazing phenomenon about the stones grid, because the same effect is audible by my speakers or my headphone at the same level of improvement... Then it is not the air which is the important factor that plays the first role...
The difference with the Stein Harmonizer that act on the air of the room, after the marketing saying so, is that my grid act on the interlocked E.M.fields mostly I think...The S.G. act on the interlocked E.M.fields also connected to this stones grid...The perception that the S.G. act on the air of the room is an illusion... Simply the S.G. modify the relationship between the different frequencies between the interlocked E.M fields of the audio system, modifying then the complex information conveyed toward the speakers... All that is my thinking and I am by far no scientist at all, I just try to understand something most dont understand either...But I dont believe now the explanations of those who explain how the molecules of the air are modify etc etc ...I prefer my hypothesis about interlocked E.M. field filtering by the stones grid and a lowering of the level of noise...I dont negate that something can possibly modify the molecular atmosphere of the room, ionization of the air for example is able to make listening way more musical...But my hypothesis is more potent I thing to understand this amazing phenomenon about the stones grid, because the same effect is audible by my speakers or my headphone at the same level of improvement... Then it is not the air which is the important factor that plays the first role...