Why flag a post?

Just interested, being here on the forums for almost twenty years I have never flagged a post. The function must be there for a reason though. We are all different. Are some just more easily offended, or more sensitive to the, at times, course ebb and flow of the forums?
Post removed 
Cleeds ... I believe it is you that is causing the extra work for the moderators.
Any complaint you have regarding the conduct of contributors here should be directed to the moderators. If you’re unhappy that your content has been deleted, your issue is either with them, or yourself.
I'm a mod on a non audio related board.We do have lives and can't spend every waking moment keeping track of threads.We appreciate a heads up for spam posts so they can be blocked.Heated debates are welcome and informative.Childish personal attacks and slander ruin the OP's thread,are against the rules,and should be flagged.But they usually aren't because so many find them entertaining.

Unfortunately most heated debates just end up spiralling down into the childish personal attacks and slander category.
Too many cannot handle their views or opinions being countered as not being the absolute be all and end all of all things audio.