Yes I know audiotroy. As I said, I disagree. I’ve heard the Persona’s in 4 different set ups now, all different gear, and a speaker’s "personality" does not radically change (unless you put some incredibly colored tube amp on it or something).
They are really excellent speakers. But this is a thread in which to discuss them, and if I have further encounters or thoughts, I post them. If you think for some strange reason I’m posting too many comments on them, compare the number of your posts continually extolling your opinion, vs my meager contribution ;-)
And btw I don’t just like "colored" speakers (and the Persona’s certainly aren’t the most neutral measuring speakers out there - that top end peak!). I also love the Joseph Audio speakers which, especially the Pulsar, measure more neutral than the Persona floor standing speakers.
I was a fan of Dunlavy, again measured very neutral. I also own Waveform speakers (very neutral), Thiel, even the Harbeth SuperHL5 plus I owned and enjoyed, and despite some like to disparage their cabinet design, JA said of the measurements: "measured performance is beyond reproach." And an Aussie mag stated they had the most evenly balanced frequency range from bottom to top than they’d ever measured. And to me even those made instruments and voices sound significantly more natural to me. (Again, I don’t make any claim that anyone else should feel the same).
And of course I’ve heard a great many other speakers that measure everywhere from colored to extremely neutral. So I have a pretty good yardstick.
It’s ok if someone doesn’t fall in love with the Persona’s. It really is :-)