Fidelity Research cartridges

Any FR cartridge experts out there? Raul? Dertonarm? Syntax?
I have had an FR-7 which I bought a while ago. I tried it ever so briefly when I got it on an arm I now recognize as not being able to handle that weight (close, but no cigar). I just now pulled it out for kicks and after getting it adjusted with the big counterweight, I am VERY pleasantly surprised. Actually, I'm feeling kind of bubbly. It does not dig out the utmost in detail, but it just sounds very right.

Are there any other FR carts out there which are real steals if still in good condition? I know the MC-702 and the FR-1Mk2 and Mk3f by name, with good reps being assigned to the Mk3 and the MC-702. Given that the MC-702 and the FR-7 look quite similar, and they were offered at about the same time, what is different? And is the FR-7 just an integrated headshell version of the FR-1Mk3?
Dear dover, ''the holly grail'' is metaphorical name for the
relation of comparison. The schematics is : a is beter than b,
b is better than c, etc.: R (a,b,c...n). Your statement was that
(your) Nova 13 D sounds better than my REX and your own
Kiwame. Because I do value your opinion I thought : ''Nandric
you must try this 13 D!'' But my Dutch background advised:
''ask first'' before buying. Your ''refurbishing story about 13 D''
needed nearer explanation. So I made ''some savings'' 
by asking. BTW the Dutch have the reputation of being the best
traders in the world (grin). 

My two cents about Ikeda 9 EM
Better than 9 CV. Different suspension design. Better sound. Very even and fluent. Even in mono mode :)
Although as one channel shot (open coil), I'll see final image after repair.

So will hunt next for 9 REX and  FR-7f
@bukanona, My friend Don Griffiths has one FR-7f for sell
(dgriffiths et gmail dot com). 
What do you mean with ''different suspension''? All cantileverless
kinds have the same suspension. You may mean compliance? 
My Rex can be used with 1.5 g VTF the other version 2.5 -3 g. 

1) Ikeda 9 EM @bukanova:

■ Price: 170,000 yen in 1986
■ Power generation method: MC type
■ Output voltage: 0.2mV (5cm / sec 1kHz 45 °)
■ Tracking force: optimum 2.5g
■ Load resistance: 3Ω
■ Needle tip: Special ellipse
■ Own weight: 15.7 g (main body) 18.5 g (shell)
■ Replacement needle: Unit replacement
■ Release April 1986

2) Ikeda 9 CV:

■ Price 81,000 yen in 1984
■ Power generation method: MC type
■ Output voltage: 0.18mV
■ Needle pressure: 2.0g optimum
■ Load resistance: 3Ω
■ Needle tip: Special ellipse
■ Weight: 14.5g
■ Exchange needle: unit exchange (64,800 yen)
■ Release July 1994

3) Ikeda 9 C III
(this is what i have, mice came with Ikeda shell of the same color)

■ Price: 69,000 yen in 1989
■ Power generation method: MC type
■ Output voltage: 0.17mV
■ Tracking force: optimal 2.0g

■ Load resistance: 3Ω

■ Needle tip: Special ellipse

■ Weight: 14.5 g
■ Replacement needle: Unit replacement
■ Release: October 1989

Direct coupling power generation mechanism without cantilever.

*There is also a model with a shell

4) Ikeda 9 REX @nandric:

■ Price 225,000 yen in 1993
■ Power generation method: MC type
■ Output voltage: 0.18mV (5cm / sec 1kHz 45 °)
■ Tracking force: optimum 1.5g
■ Load resistance: 3Ω
■ Needle tip: Special ellipse

■ Own weight: 16g

■ Release October: 1993

*There is also a model with a shell (230,000 yen)

Dear chakster, We in Europe are very fond about those ''Encyclopedia's''. They cover 3 m in one's library and testify 
about ''high ranking'' of the person involved. ''High ranking'' in academic sense. Lucky us we don't need to spend so much
money on ''books''. We have chakster as our ''encyclopedia''.
Obviously Russian internet should not be underestimated. 
My brother Don got the other model with a shell called ''Supremo''
but without stylus. However Don also owns Decca and knew that
the person by ''Expert stylus'' is a good friend with the new owner
of Decca. So his speculation was that both will figure out how to
fix his Supremo. They deed so Don got his Supremo much cheaper
than Nandric his Rex. Both carts are bought in Japan . I hate
their intermediary. All of them charge fees for totally unknown