Kharma v Focal v Avalon

Hi all, would love to hear your thoughts on the following similarly priced (at least in Europe) though quite different 2 way speakers.

The Kharma 3.2, Focal Diablo and Avalon Ascendant. My system runs Emm Labs cdp & Muse amp in a 14x19x8ft room. Speakers would be placed toward the front wall listening position along the back wall.

Look forward to hearing comments.
Having taken in the great advice here and spoken to a fair few others with direct experience of them and my system I think its going to be the Kharma's for me though 2.3ce rather than the 3.2's. We'll see come the weekend.

Thanks again for the comments.
If you do go with the Kharma 2.3ce, you will happier with the bass reproduction than with the 3.2ce. While I have not listened to the Focal or Avalon, I have lived with the Kharma 2.2ce in a 16.5 x 23 ft room for a number of years and am quite happy.
If you listen to Hard Rock, Electronic, Metal etc I would go for the 2.3, if you listen mostly to jazz, classical go for the 3.2!

Off to see some Kharma 2.3s. All going well should be up and running with them by the end of the weekend.