PS Audio Revises Marketing to a Direct Sales Only Model

Discussion on the PS Audio Forum sponsored by PS Audio indicates that over the next 4 months PS Audio will be transitioning to a Direct Sales Only Model.  PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan acknowledged change was coming within the next four months.  Wish the best to PS Audio on the change.  I wonder what the impact will be on dealers currently holding new stock.  The thread on the PS Audio Forum is titled Is - PS Audio Going Direct Sale Only?
I think he is going to regret going direct.  If it fails, he needs to be prepared for dealers not willing to take him back if his business model fails.

This hobby is enjoyed by the very few and I doubt beginners will know enough to find PS Audio during their searches and I doubt they will be able to afford his equipment.  

I think here is where the value of dealerships comes into play.
Lots of speculation, above.  Why not wait and see, what shape the PS Audio Direct Sales model takes, before scuttling the ship?   Far as hearing before buying; many that sell direct, offer a 30 day/no questions, return policy.   McGowan has never stuck me as any kind of dummy(quite the contrary).
This is a quote from someone above: " Back to PS audio. There is absolutely nothing special about PS audio. "  I absolutely DISAGREE. I have owned multitudes of audio gear since 1976 and now my system (with the exception of my Thiel 3.7 speakers) is totally PS.  They make fantastic gear and i think their gear is very price competitive when you consider the build quality,  great customer service,  long warranties which are often honored even after the exp.  date,  and most important the sound quality.  The only piece that seems to give people problems is the DMP transport,  and that is now discontinued.  The day may come when i own a piece by another company,  but one thing i will NEVER EVER do without is their Power plant.  The P15 and P20 are units that will improve your system and no one else makes anything close.   I for one wish them all the best and hope they "live long and prosper" and that Paul can indeed buy a yacht if he so chooses.
 I would be surprised if they change their real pricing. I didn’t look today, but they had been offering at least 25% off retail if you traded in a decent piece. Underwood is offering the BHK Pre for $3888 without a trade and has for months.  PS Audio has a listening studio/sales space at their factory here in Boulder. I tried to find out what they did with their trade-ins but they wouldn’t tell me. I’m guessing they go to The Music Room, in our area also. 
 What is confounding me most is that everyone says you must listen first before you make your purchase. PS will let you take a piece home for a while, but that means you have to put up all the money to buy it just to listen. Pretty counterintuitive to me