Your favorite Small Apartment Speakers

  1. I view this as sort of a companion thread to the “Best Small Speakers At any Price” thread.

Lets hear what you’ve used and loved!

Thanks in advance.
@giantsalami  do you have the bookshelf version or the now floor standing version?

I haven't heard them but they use top quality drivers. Off topic but what did you move to after Odyssey (amplification-wise)?
@doni I was super hot on those but it seems like now that people have them they seem not to be as great as the online reviewers said they were. Still curious to hear them. You can usually find the s300's for cheap but I haven't seen the 400's yet.
@gochurchgo,I have the bookshelf. I moved on to Modwright after a few issues. I have the KWA-150 SE amp and the SWL 9.0 Anniversary pre. Also, running a couple of REL subs under the speaker stands. The Kismets and Cantons do not need too much sub, depending on the quality of the recording. On a couple of my CD's, I turn the subs completely off.
I have Focal Utopia Diablo III's in a small room with a REL subwoofer and they lack for nothing, especially when driven by my PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP amp. Maybe you need to simply get a subwoofer for your system if you want more bass.