Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr

 I’m putting together an analog system. First on the list was a turntable, I’ve settled on the Denon DP 59L. 
  Now let’s hear from the owners of some panel electrostatic type speakers, not ones you dreamed of owning, ones that you’ve owned and the reason why they were your favorite. 
I have a pair of XStatic EC/X full range electrostatic speakers paired with Klipsch 112SW subs (the subs are OK, but the weak link here).   These are all powered by my PrimaLuna HP integrated tube amp.  Sources are all high-res digital.    At 34W in triode mode the amps play these louder and more accurately than my wife will tolerate...   Still the best sound I’ve heard in a system under $30k.

Before this I’ve owned MArtin Logan, Acoustat 2+2, and Magnepan, etc.   once you hear a full range, no crossover speaker it’s hard to go back.
We have been selling new and used audio equipment for 40 plus years, We get to see and hear a lot of different speakers. We would not go so far as to suggest what speaker is better for you over other speakers that are on the market, system synergy, room interaction and most of all personal taste are critical when evaluating equipment. What we can tell you is that a large percentage of our customers who listen to jazz and or classical own planers or ESL in one for or another.
 One of the rooms that we do our initial listening and testing in is almost exactly the same size as yours and through experience we can tell you that if you put to large of a speaker in a room that size you will quickly overload the room. Right now we are burning in a new 2 channel amp ( 400 watts x2 @8 ohm) for a customer and it is hooked up to a pair of medium size planer speakers with 2 small subwoofers, some of our customers are impressed by the sound others do not like it at all, only you can decide for yourself which camp you are in.
I have ML’s 13a powered by Krell’s 575 XD monoblocks. Fantastic for jazz, absolutely no ear fatigue. 
noodlyarm, those are very pretty ESLs. Do they have curved panels like ML or are they segmented panels like Acoustats. Also how tall are they?
They are very tall but I can't tell from the pictures I have seen.
