So just how much vinyl do YOU own?

Let's hear some numbers!

And when do you think you might have enough to last your lifetime?

Or is it like horsepower ... Too much is never enough!

Do you have regular clearouts or just keep adding until the floorboards start to creak!

All just for fun people!
Finished catalogue everything via Discogs and was a little surprised to see I had more cassette tapes than vinyl!

Going to have to fix that pronto... Lol

About 2500, it quite suprises me that this seems a typical collection size. Not sure what I thought a typical size would be.  It's too much, though there is nothing I wouldn't play. The largest slab is probably opera, well someone has to like it.

 I read somewhere, can't remember that someone in China had bought a collection of over 220,000 LPs, why? The same article calculated it would take 22 years to listen to them all.

 It does worry me a little, that my poor kids are going to have to get rid of them, when I finally fall of my perch. A depressing subject, but has anyone else given as thought to the subject? My idea, if I get any warning,  is to select out the premium stuff that may have some value, to try and sell themselves and the rest, I don't know. Most LPs are worth very little.


Your last statement does worry myself as well unless my daughter deals with it.
Left to my wife she would likely just put them all out on the curb!
But as to the valued ones yes indeed.
Part Two of reasoning of catalog all on Discogs so value ( or at least an idea based on past sales) is easily known to all.

Around 1200 the last time I checked years ago.  Still not alphabetized, so when I look for a certain lp I come across many others I forgot about that will get played.  It's my way of checking them all out instead of just going to a certain section where they should be.
Mine are mostly in alphabetic order unless I get lazy with new arrivals and they just all end up in one big pile... lol.
Now my tapes, well they are another story, I suppose I should put them in order but I find it is similar to your statement, when I pull open a drawer to look for something I find other items to pleasantly distract me.
Sometimes means I never get to play what I first started to look for though!