Speaker wants 100 watt RMS. Is 40 watt tube OK?

I’m considering changing form parasound a21 to Manley Mahi monoblocks (40 watt tube) to go with my Monitor Audio gold 300s.

the speakers (90 dB sensitivity) say they want minimum 100 wpc.  

What kind of problems (any?) will I run into?
90 dB sensitivity, 8 ohms, you should have no problem as long as you don't have a huge room.
otherones, depends on what you like listening to and how loud. If you are a stadium  rocker forget it. Jazz, classical and light rock at moderate volumes no problem. Personally, I think you are making a mistake. Save a bit longer and get a more powerful tube amp if you have to have a tube amp. 

90db efficiency only tells one part of the story.  How the speaker’s impedance changes over the entire frequency range is very important for tube amp matching.