Best ht speaker systems

I am posting for a friend who thought he had a good system until I explained that bose is not that great and showed him what is possible.
What are some of the most awesome sounding ht speakers.
A friend in the industry told me a few years back that B&W set up in a Boston audio shop was the best he ever heard, and he's heard the best of the best being in 2 channel for many years, anyone know which one this is?
Dunno anything about Boston but the best HT system I have ever heard was one set up at the HK AV Show a couple of years back. The room was GIGANTIC and the system was an all McIntosh electronics (using souped up Denon flagship A1HDC/UDC based systems) to McIntosh power amps (looked like many mono blocks) to Focal Utopia Be speakers.

The room was extremely large and the volume level turned up pretty high but it was dead quiet when the soundtrack was, and sharp, superbly positioned when needed. The scene was the Hurt Locker sniper shootout. It was like the bullet pierced the air from behind the listener and ended smack into the middle of the screen.
There is no definitive "best" of anything. There are way too many variables involved. The "best" you can hope for is to find something that works well in your system. You can then say it's the "best" for you until you find something you think is better !!!!
For "reasonably"-priced speakers, it is hard to go wrong with the Gallo Reference series. They have *excellent* dispersion, top-quality construction, and their Ref AV series are *made* for home theater use. I currently use their Reference 3.qs for my Front L/R, their Ref. AV Cneter for my Center channel, and their Ref. AVs for the surrounds.

The speakers are all timbre-matched, meaning that sound transitiions from side to side and front to back are seamless. Additionally, the Ref AVs mount very discreetly on the walls and, in fact, are designed to use the "boundary effect" afforded by such placement. The bass provided by these is astonishing and the WAF is very high.

I would recommend you purchase something like a Velodyne DD-Series subwoofer to handle the bottom-octave chores. They come with massive digital amps and room-correction software that will tailor their response perfectly to your room's anomalies.

All of these can be purchased from Audiogon gently used. I have about $11k worth of speakers for which I paid less than $5k - and every single one of them still had 80% of the mfgr. warranty still in effect...

I am also reading VERY good things about the Tekton Pendragons and M-Lore speakers as well as the Golden Ear Triton 2s and 3s. Look into these as well as the Gallos. And the new Gallo Classico Series is garnering rave reviews as well.

ANY of the aforementioned speakers lines will provide you with *superb*-quality sound for very reasonable money...

There are only two real sides to this coin:

1: audiophile loudspeakers being pressed into service to do home theater

2: real home/commercial loudspeakers,

Here is the real story there are almost no consumer grade loudspeakers that can do real home theater.

Real home theater is the ability to go to 120db without compression, or any distortion, and be able to do that for hours on end.

Now I am not subscribing to playing or being in a room with that kind of output but the real test is the ability to play extremely dynamic material and have it sound that you are in the actual event.

In a real movie theater they do not use conventional drivers, they use horns for the reason used above.

There are only three manufacturers that make real home theater systems:

Jbl Synthesis
Professional Home Cinema Paul Hales Company

The thing that is in common with all of these systems along with output is a combination of dsp for driver and room equilization and integration, and matching high power amplification and very expensive modified versions of commercial drivers.

I heard a demo of a large PHC system and it was remarkable.
Your question is impossible to answer. As Tpreaves posted above, there is no best of anything. I agree. Especially speakers as they require you to listen and make a subjective conclusion. So the question is really what is the best speaker for you or your friend?

If your serious to find out, this is a long path to follow because there are hundreds to listen and choose - from large mainstream manufacturers to small DIY'ers that make and sell speakers to clients from their basements.

Also,the best is relative. Coming from Bose, an Infinity Primus system may sound like the best but its actually pretty entry level. But unless you listen to a full blown B&W Diamond system, Dynaudio Focus system, Vienna Acoustics Concert Grand system, Sonus Faber Cremona system, etc, etc, how would you know? Sorry if I left out a hundred others - I don't mean to offend anyone. While these are all respected high end manufacturers, there is yet another uber high end level above these as you go into six figures for speakers.

Finally, if you have no access to audition speakers, a better way to ask what is the best speaker "for me" is to state your room size, budget, how many HT speakers you want and what your listening preferences will be. Then you might actually get a more definitive answer.