Speakers for Dance music and other

Hi all,

I've got a very nice hifi set containing some highend equipment eg. Tidal, Vitus and Lyra but I've got this equipment in a dedicated room.

I'm planning to put a "cheap" set in my living room for none critical listening and occasionally a party. I'll be playing a lot of dance music with this set (but also some jazz, classical).
I wonder if someone can advise me a good speaker for dance music (as well as other off course)

It would be nice if it's a speaker that is easy to drive, very dynamic with good bass.

I'm thinking for instance the Wilson Puppy 7. Want to spend max. +- US9000 second hand.
Do you think the Wilson is a good candidate?

Any other suggestions appreciated.
I'm planning to put a "cheap" set in my living room for none critical listening and occasionally a party.
I'm thinking for instance the Wilson Puppy 7. Want to spend max. +- US9000 second hand.

If you consider $9000.00 cheap,you are either well off financially,very out of touch with reality or maybe a little of both!!! My opinion,nothing more.
Party speakers for dance music need to be robust. I'd recommend you go for something with pro drivers rather than a Watt Puppy.

If you also want fidelity then look into used studio main monitors - Westlake horns, Meyer, PMC, JBL, Genelec and ATC.
You didn't really mention what kind of dance?
Are you doing ballroom 3/4 time waltz stuff or just shak'n yo booty?
If you want some speakers to shake your money maker to, may I suggest a pair of Tyler Acoustics PD80's with built in bass amps.

Should be all you need.

Good luck!