Tuner calibration North West coast.

I have a Sansui TU 717 that is in need of tuner calibration etc, ( tuning section ) work. I have had the audio section updated and moded already, ( moded to the tuner information center recommendations list) but my tech doesn't have the right equipment nor experience setting up the tuner section. It is in working condition and I listen to it daily. but its starting to drift and some stations are becoming narrower to tune also the tuning cord-thread is starting to slip. still sounds wonderful so hopping a proper tuner section set up, calibration and repair  as needed will extend its life another 20 years. 

I have already moved the tuning cord tensioner to the tighter hole (if you know what I'm talking about your hired, lol).

Oh if they can install LED lighting too that would be great as I can not seem to find a reliable led kit supplier here. reliable as in they actually respond to my purchases request. 

I live in Victoria BC Canada so I could bring it to anywhere in the Vancouver island, Vancouver proper, Seattle areas or I can ship. 

I'm looking for an experienced tuner tech, I know far and few between nowadays . 

You could try to do it yourself with the help of youtube.When I was in electronic school back in the early 70's they had us calibrate a tuner and if a 19 year old could do it so could you!    I don't remember the procedure but I'm sure I could be walked through it. Its a mater of hooking up a volt meter and turning some little pots inside the tuner until you get the reading you want.  It would be nice to learn how if you still use a tuner and if you can't seem to do this after trying you can then have it done by someone.

Just a thought, TISH
Thanks for the links. 

mind you one is in Australia and I'm not going to ship my tuner across the planet lol 
Also doing it myself is not in the option as I have zero experience setting up and calibrating FM tuners and would prefer if I don't make it worse and have to have a "recovery" repair. From what I've been told proper tuner repair is an art. 
Proper tuner repair IS an art, but calibrating is not.take a look on youtube about how its done
,see what you think afterwards.  You can't mess it up because it is already out of alignment and if you find out your just not able, then have somebody do it for you. Its just a mater of turning some little pots with a plastic screwdriver, not hard at all. Now if you are talking about repairs, thats a whole nother ball game.

Another option you may have not considered is internet radio.  Bluesound streamers have the feature built in.  There are literally thousands of stations available.  Just for Canada alone, I counted over 500 stations before I stopped scanning pages of stations.
 I’m in AZ and one of my favorite stations is KJZZ 91.5 HD2.  The sound quality is excellent as is the selection of jazz music.  You can listen to KJZZ in Victoria with internet radio.  Highly recommended.
Not saying you shouldn’t pursue restoring the Sansui , but there are other options.  Food for thought.