@jaytor The Double Impacts have a large (3D area) ’sweet spot’ for listening positions. The DI-SEs even more so than the DIs. A performance attribute I loved about the SEs.
I worked with the SEs more extensively (to get them ’dialed’ in) so the same may be true for the DI base versions.
So I disagree with the PF "findings’ on off-axis response you point out in your post.
This is an area and feature/benefit of the DIs/DI-SEs that is superior to my Cube Audio Nenuphars.
I cannot comment on the Moab as I have not heard them. All Ulfberths (3) that I have heard had a large ’sweet’ spot (in other folks’ systems and rooms). The double tweeter array may behave differently than the single array.
@teajay would be a great resource on this.
FWIW: My room is 19 ft (front wall) by 26 ft by 9ft. Very close in size to yours. And I also (at times) sat 12 feet from the speaker plane.
I worked with the SEs more extensively (to get them ’dialed’ in) so the same may be true for the DI base versions.
So I disagree with the PF "findings’ on off-axis response you point out in your post.
This is an area and feature/benefit of the DIs/DI-SEs that is superior to my Cube Audio Nenuphars.
I cannot comment on the Moab as I have not heard them. All Ulfberths (3) that I have heard had a large ’sweet’ spot (in other folks’ systems and rooms). The double tweeter array may behave differently than the single array.
@teajay would be a great resource on this.
FWIW: My room is 19 ft (front wall) by 26 ft by 9ft. Very close in size to yours. And I also (at times) sat 12 feet from the speaker plane.