Best speakers for max. $3000?

  I would like to upgrade to some new speakers and I might have a maximum of $3000 to spend if all goes well.
I don't care if they are new or used but my real world experience is limited so I am asking the experts!   I know it is subjective.
  I have Mirage OM-7s now with a HSU sub.  My amp is a Bryston 100B SST.  
Also, I have a chance to buy a set of Thiel CS 2.4s. I plan to try them.   Thanks for any advice!
"Best" is very much in the ears of the beholder. If you told us a bit more about what kind of music you like, what volume you listen at, and what you don’t like about your current speakers, people might be able to give better advice. Do you prefer standmount or floorstanding speakers? Also, will you still be using the sub, or do you want a full-range model?

I hope you weren’t entirely serious when you called us experts! We are just a bunch of other audiophiles, with more or less experience, every one with opinions, but we won’t be listening to your system for the next X years. Who knows, one of us might even be a teenager who hates music but reads her father’s copies of TAS and occasionally posts here to get even.  
if it's a PA system or a 2-way paint job you want to pay for then look elsewhere. If you are trying to enjoy the musicians' character and intended efforts true to the recorded Venue or as it really happened, a turntable with the latest 3 k Vandy Sig 2 will blow your mind * Fact:: The Vandersteen 2 series is still the best selling hi-end loudspeaker of all the time.
 Best JohnnyR Vandersteen dealer

I would go with Focal Aria 936, which can be had for $2650 on US Audio Mart -

The HSU sub is a great sub, keep it and pair with 936. I have the exact same configuration in one of my systems and the sound quality is amazing.
How about a used pair of Golden Ear Triton Ones?  With internally powered sub-woofers, the quality is impressive.
Thanks for the replies! My room is about 20 feet long. Half of it is 20 feet wide and the other part is 14 feet wide. Sort of an L shape.
As for music I listen to everything from jazz to Meshuggah and everything in between. Allman Bros to Yes. Not much classical.
I use a VPI Scoutmaster II table and a Cambridge Audio cd transport that's relatively inexpensive. The DAC is a Bryston BDA-1.
Currently I keep the Mirages around 3 or 4  feet from the back wall and around 4 feet from the sides.
The room has some soft stuff on the front and rear wall to try and help the sound a bit. It seems like a fairly good room as long as you stay out of the corners!
And I listen at moderate volumes because I find things get a bit harsh if it gets too loud. I'm not sure if the harshness is the speakers or the room.
    I'd play it louder if it stayed smoother.   Thanks all!