I've heard most of the speakers mentioned so far, the Spatials outperform most of them, no contest. That even goes for the $2K M4 Turbo S. They make Maggies sound veiled and diffused in comparison. As for Focals, you have to move up to the Kanta range to compete, and even then, the bass definition of the Spatials is superior. I realize I sound like a raving fanboy, but know that I don't own any. I actually returned the M4 Triode Masters due to my preference for Derek Hughe's lossy-cabinet designs and their amazing soundstage abilities when dialed-in, but that's a completely subjective preference. However, when it comes to overall performance/dollar, Spatial just kills it, even with their pro-audio drivers which I wasn't expecting to perform so well to be honest. I think part of their advantage is the tweeter also covers most of the midrange, rather than the woofer covering most of the midrange as with a typical 2-way.