To Couple or Decouple?

I've recently purchased a pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendos. I now have them positioned in the room, and I am ready to add the spikes. The floor in my room is a suspended wood type. After researching whether or not to spike speakers or decouple them on a suspended wood floor, the majority seems to recommend not spiking them directly to the wood floor, but decoupling them. So here are my questions:
1). Do I couple or decouple?
2). Anyone use the Boston Audio Tuneblocks S under your spikes? How do you like them?
3). Any recommendations of other decoupling devices to use?
Thanks for you input!
I have a (carpeted) suspended floor as well.  I put Isoacoustic Gaias + Gaia spikes under my Tannoy X8TFs and the difference was significant.  Bass was less muddy, actually not muddy at all after it, and even imaging improved. This was one tweak that made considerable difference!
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