
Can anyone tell me why Audiogon deleted the Supratek the Pre Amp Deal of the Century, and the Supratek Rectifier threads…?
I discovered Supratek by chance when I came across that thread back around 2002 or 2003, not sure of the year. I had just bought a brand new BAT pre amp from Upscale Audio and was waiting for it to arrive when I discovered that thread. After reading it all the way through I was hooked, I flipped the BAT without ever unpacking it and a VAC pre amp that I had and bought a Syrah pre amp. I don't know how many times I posted in that thread but I know I was in there, plus I read everything I could about 6SN7's. I ended up with a pretty good stash of them, as well as W.E.350B's. The magic combo was 350B regulators, Tung-Sol 6SN7GT black glass, Bendix 6106 rectifier, and W.E. 417A in the phono section. Just gorgeous sound! My Supratek Pinot phono stage is in transit from Australia right now. But I have no idea when it will get here as Mick gave me no shipping info such as tracking. He isn't big on communication which is a bummer, maybe he is really swamped? I don't know.

I really wish I could read through that regulator thread that was takin down, I missed out on that one. 
Has anyone contacted Tammy regarding the removal of the thread? Maybe she'll restore it, or at least provide some explanation for why it was removed.

As an early contributor to the thread and previous owner of a Supratek preamp--thanks in large part to the informative posts in said thread--I agree that it is a shame that it was taken down. It's an absolutely wonderful read, one of my all-time favorite Audiogon threads. It would be great to see it reactivated.
@waltersalas agreed. They should bring it back. I don't see why agon needs to be in the book burning business.
Post removed 
Hi Tammy. I just sent you a note on this very subject. I believe the title of the thread was "Preamp Deal of the Century." I also believe that member "slowhand" was the originator.

I hope that helps!