can someone answer me this.....

i have done some extensive research and talked to quite a few people who own or have had this preamp.  I recently came into a conrad Johnson et 3 se, nt much clarity,the bass is muddy and the presentation is dark, ive read where some claim the system is to bright.  ive also read where its good to get a specific type of tube.  I don't want to do that just yet because im trying to learn the units characteristic.  I wonder if its not quite broken in yet.  maybe the impedance thing that Im just learning.  steve mccormck suggested that I try some after market power cord, that I ordered.  
assoc. equipment
McCormack dna 500
oppo 203
alon IV's
acoustic zen interconnects
I make my own speaker cables …..
no wires are touching, none are on the carpet or floor.....
I have your amp and pre-amp.  Before getting the ET3SE, I contacted Steve McCormack and he said there should be no issues pairing the two.  I use  an Amperex 6992 from Andy's Vintage Tubes and have been very happy with the result.  As mentioned by others, be sure to account for phase inversion by reversing the positive/negative terminals either at the speaker or amp ends. The sound you describe could be a result of forgetting to do so.
If it's new with little hours of play time my thought is break in. My CJ took hundreds of hours but once those caps are broken in the sound was wonderful. Roll tubes once it's broken in.
If your pre takes a 6DJ8 / 6922 tube(s) you have limited alternatives.  The used tube market for vintage NOS Siemens 6922's, especially Cca and grey plates is like looking for unobtainium.  I've been using them for about 15 years, after testing maybe a dozen or more different brands and time periods and simply have no more nor are there any real ones out there.  What I have found which seems to be as good, or nearly as good as a Siemens and Halske Grey Plate early 60's Cca is the 75 vintage have no connection to this person other than I have purchased tubes from her 6 times.  Everything arrived very securely packed and was exactly as advertised and they perform exactly as they should.  It used to be $99 a pair now it's $219.  Siemens and Halske Cca grey plates used to be $40 a tube then they were $400 a pair, now there are no real ones.
I went through the tube rolling phase with my CJ Premier 11a and 14 in my main system and was able to arrive at considerably better sound by doing that.  I suggest that you make sure you have no polarity issues and then post your query on a tube board - other owners of your gear can offer specific suggestions on what worked for them.

You only have one tube (6922) IIRC so tube rolling won't be too expensive.

Take a look at this article - 17 different 6922s assessed.
  Try NOS Telefunken E88CC’s . I use both 12AU7’s and 6922’s . I have nos Telefunkens, Seimens , Amperex . Including the CCa’s and Silver plates . The Telefunken E88CC , is the most linear and flat across the spectrum . The Seimens is close and the Amperex is too bright on top . Brent Jesses web site gives a great/ accurate description of tube tone . I have a friend with an older CJ pre that he had professionally restored . He runs a Benchmark amp . I’ve loaned him the above tubes and he chose the Telefunkens too . We both run Morrow Interconnects and speaker cables , so the comparison is easy . We run different power cords and power stations however . For cost I’ve been very pleased with Anti-Cables stuff , but currently run more expensive Morrow items . I’m not pushing any brand of cabling however . But try the NOS Telefunken from a reputable dealer . They are pricy , but absolutely fabulous. And ask about a return policy . Happy Hunting , Mike B.