Node2i + Qutest or Yggy or Codex or something else

Need help to decide ...

Which is a better choice for me:
Chord Qutest
Schiit Yggy
Ayre Codex 
Some other DAC

to go with the following system I have:
Sonus Faber Venere 3
Parasound P5 and A23
Bluesound Node 2i

Mostly classical music especially symphonies 
Jazz, rock, pop, vocal

hardwood floor 

I am not getting the clarity and the sound stage I want when I listen to symphonies like Beethoven Symphony 5 or Violin Concerto.  

Is an external DAC the right solution? Or a better amp?


@PC_Audio, I was at the DAC event mentioned above. We actually had a Yggy and Qutest there. Both went to the final round. The end result:

1st Place = Black Ice Audio Glass FX DSD Wifi    2nd Place = Chord Qutest    3rd Place = Schiit Yggradsil.

For the the above three, it was very close and all are excellent sounding DACs. We also had a PS Audio Directstream Sr. there, it did not get many votes and even it’s owner chose another dac (Black Ice) over it in blind listening.

If you need a DAC with volume control to function as a preamp the Black Ice unit does that as well. Other DACs we had there that can function as preamps were the LKS MH-DA004, the previously mentioned PS Audio, the iFi Audio Pro iDSD, and the NuPrime Evolution DAC.

The iFi Audio Pro iDSD was well liked and narrowly lost to the Schiit Yggy by one vote. I believe it comes in right at your budget and has a lot of functionality. It might be worth considering.

I also liked the sound of the NuPrime Evolution DAC, it is over your budget though. There is a demo unit from the event for sale; you can hit up John over on the audio circle NuPrime forums for more info on that.

I will say, post the event I replaced my PS Audio Nuwave dac with the Black Ice unit and I am very pleased with the results.
FYI the PS Audio DirectStream DAC has digital volume control though the touch screen. So it can drive power amps directly without another preamp. 
Btw, I do have a collection of DACs which include the PS Audio DirectStream DAC and the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+. But I can’t give impressions on a comparison yet as I have not spent enough time with the Mytek yet.