Has anyone finally decided to sell their Turntable and Vinyl collection?

It Maybe a little strange to ask this question here since clearly this is a forum for folks still loving and using Vinyl.
So I am looking for some feedback from folks that play very little of their LPs these days and have decided to sell all of it (or already have). I have thought about it for years seems like a hassle trying to sell your TT and or your record collection, that is mainly why mine stays put (not because I use it).

Anyway if you have sold - (Not if you’re keeping it forever)

Have you regretted it?
Or is to nice to reduce the clutter and happily move on?

Some people would never sell their analog rig and collection, I get that.

@fleschler   regarding >   2,000 mint, mostly unplayed classical 78s from the 1930s and 1940s for $1,000.   
check out the book "DO NOT SELL AT ANY PRICE , The Wild , Obsessive Hunt for the Worlds Rarest 78 rpm Recods " By Amanda Petrusich   I bet you could get a bit more . 
 I'm crush on the assumed massive Tax deduction I was hoping for by donating the 2000 or so I have  to some Jazz Archive somewhere. 
my college days beer soaked lp's were discarded as trash- which they certainly were. I rebuilt my collection and acquired a nice dual turntable of which model I can't recall. Marriage and a three year old who delighted in separating the tonearm from the table shelved the LP's for awhile. I found a sony linear track tt which retracted into a compartment -child proof and OK. I retired my LP's when I found cd's.   I now have a JA Michell tt  and enjoy my albums again as I do my cd's . Have recently included streaming with tidal and think MQA sounds quite remarkable. BUT I still really enjoy cleaning that record, putting it on the turntable and cueing the arm onto a very carefully cared for LP. By the way my one time three year old now has the sony tt as protection from his now three year old.

prof08-25-2019 3:36pm
To me, LPs and CDs are like ANALOG PHONES and FILM CAMERAS...

...Turntables have an aesthetic, tactile and engineering appeal to many of us that no CD player or iphone app can replicate.

I guess that’s what I don’t get. I couldn’t care less about the gear. I just care about the sound. To me that’s the whole point of the gear - to produce sound. And convenience comes in a close second. Love the fact I can voice-control everything. But I don’t get the fascination with expensive mechanical watches either. I guess I’m a function over form person. I like my art old and my functional stuff up-to-date.
Hey dougsat

Late to the party for this thread.  I was never a collector but sold off vinyl and full blown SOTA Star Sapphire rig and Fidelity Research arm in late 90's when when playback quality of cds finally struck my emotions enough.  I have NO regrets and enjoy both TIDAL and Quboz streaming plus my select ripped lossless redbook files.  I maintain a strong friendship with music friend with great vinyl to get an occasional fix...highly recommended!  :)  Onward, and More Peace.  Pinthrift  
nope. I kept all mine from 60's on. I did get a CD player, but never liked the sound. Got a nice tube amp/pre-amp and VPI Prime a few years ago. Just finished man-cave and cleaning all my vinyl on a new ultrasonic cleaner. LOVING the sound - esp being able to turn it up and not bug my wife.