What a difference curtains make...WOW

We just moved into a new townhouse with hardwood floors and a large view window. We placed an area rug in the middle of room. Here, I will not be able to have a subwoofer because people live in an apartment below our main floor (we have 3 storys, but an apartment is wedged between our lower level and main level). Since moving, my Polk Rti28's, I thought sounded tinny and bare. Our new, thick curtains arrived and I installed. Today, I turn on the stereo and WOW!! my speakers seemed like a whole new set. Bass was good, and everything sounded uncolored and natural. Wall/floor treatments do really work.
The more room treatments (even if they are thick curtains) the more you hear your speakers and less of the room.
Most often the performance of a system in a given space isn't optimised due to room conditions. The performance of a system will be elevated to a much higher level in a good room coupled with proper setup, placement and acoustic treatments. Since most systems are often located in the living or lounge area and not in a dedicated room, one has to live with compromises(WAF) and accept any effects that the existing space may bring to the system.

As you have found out, even a minimal change in the addition of thick curtains is able to alter the sound to a significant degree. You can thus imagine how the system would sound like if more thought is given to improving room acoustics.
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