Tool Fear Inoculum impressions

Who else thinks this is a masterpiece? Or, do you hate it? Your thoughts...
Hey to each his own.

I agree with uberwaltz. Many Tool fans have a hard time accepting anything after Aenima, which I fully understand. It's really interesting to hear the progression that the band has made over the years. With each album you can see how they get more melodic and experiment with polyrhythms, time signature changes, etc. For many, that may not be as exciting as their earlier, straight up rock sound.

Personally, I think the album is beautiful and showcases just how talented and outside of the box thinking the band is as a whole.

Just a quick and funny footnote:

I find it hilarious and sad at the same time that throughout the hundreds of thousands of years of human existence, within 7 days of each other, Tool release the brilliant album that is Fear Inoculum and we also got to witness the train wreck that was the VMA awards.

Sorry GK.... That just means you are a tool......

Not in this lifetime .... Lol.
Not sure Iā€™m on board the compression train šŸš‚ Toot! Toot! for Tool, with the exception of Undertow. I do not knowingly listen to compressed CDs. I went to tool school where I learned to be a tool.
I'm wondering if they hurt their overall sales, releasing it the way they did. I was all set to buy it as soon as it came out without having heard anything from it, only to find out that every record store only had a handful of copies of a "special edition" CD. With that and the fact that people can stream it now for "free", how many will buy a physical copy? I know I'll pick up a vinyl copy when it becomes available, but I wonder how many others will be content to stream it. I hope they negotiated good terms when they set up their streaming deal.Ā 
Exactly Greg!
When A7X released the Stage with only 1 hours notice to the general public, I found most stores had lots of copies of regular CD that day.
In fact FYE was selling it at $9.99!

I found this Tool marketing release to be a little baffling to say the least.