SOTA Cosmos and other models - lean sounding?

I have owned an older SOTA Star (vacuum) Sapphire Series III for nine years and it's been great. I am considering either upgrading it or selling and buying a newer (not new) Star/Nova/Cosmos and if necessary upgrade it a bit. I don't want to change the tonal balance much though... more about getting quieter and maybe more dynamics.

Digging back into reviews and forum posts on SOTA, I ran across a couple of comments that the Cosmos might be "lean" sounding that some other comparable tables. This really surprises me because my Star Sapphire always struck me as very full sounding. Or at least that's how my system sounds overall. The table sounds incredibly musical.

Does anyone experienced with SOTA tables know:
1. As you move up from a Sapphire to a Cosmos, it is known to sound a bit more lean?
2. Are these "lean" comments just outliers and do most people not experience the Cosmos or other SOTAs that way?
3. If you do think the SOTA Cosmos tend toward leanness, what other brands/models in the $3-4k range used ($6-9k retail) might have a fuller sound?

My system is a Koetsu Rosewood Signature, Jelco 850M, custom all-tube Berning preamp w/ phono, Quicksilver V4 amps, Verity Audio Parsifal Encores, and Cardas Golden Cross cabling. 29' x 16' x 7.5' room with concrete floors.

Thanks for thoughts!

Thanks guys. Mulveling: what sonic changes do you you recall when upgrading your Star III TO A Nova? This is likely exactly the upgrade I would do.Thanks
There were not significant sonic changes; the Star III was simply fantastic as-is, and the refresh to Nova V kept the original sound. I mainly got it re-done to get the vacuum hold working again (the older rubber lips become useless after many years) so I could play warped records, and to ensure it would be good for another 20+ years. Also the new motor power-up sequence no longer sends a nasty transient spike/pop through my system.

I'm very curious whether the new Roadrunner/Eclipse motor package will take the sound quality even further. Seems to be a reasonable upgrade for $1200. 

The newest Nova series VI also uses better metal bracing from bearing to armboard, which also could have sonic impacts, and I'm sorry I missed out on that.
Montaldo, I have owned SOTA tables since 1981. I currently have a Cosmos with a 4 Point 9 on it.
To answer your questions,
#1 Absolutely not.
#2 No way to account. Too many variables. Bad system, bad ears, who knows. Put the two tables on the same system with identical arms and cartridges and 99.9% would never hear the difference. 
#3 None
Your Sapphire is pretty recent so you should be able to apply all the new upgrades including the DC motor and drive and the new magnetic bearing. Call SOTA with your serial number in hand and ask. If your current table is in good shape just let SOTA rebuild it to current spec. It is just like getting a new table.

I thought my Lenco idler drive refurbished by Jean Nantais sounded noticeably fuller than the Cosmos IV that I also owned.
Thanks for the great feedback, all! Also pondering a used Basis Debut or an EAT turntables as alternatives to my SOTA. Any opinions are welcome.
It would be psychologically challenging for me to move away from the vacuum hold down, now that I have had it. Not certain of the sonic impact.