Putting together a system that does all types of music well that fits into any budget requires a lot of knowledge that starts with power conditioning, power cords/speaker cables/interconnects, source, amp, and ultimately speakers. A lot of this depends on room size: mine is quite large requiring high wattage amps and bigger speakers to create a proper SPL
IMHO, open baffle speakers are essential in order to get a wide and deep sound stage. I have Emerald Physics KCIIs which are absolute bargains in the ~ $2K range, but my room is large, and although I have 2 SVS 12" powered subs, I could not get them to blend. I am anxiously awaiting a pair of EP 2.8s, each speaker has 2 @ 15" carbon fiber woofers and one 12" concentric carbon fiber mid-range. Both of these models have won TAS awards.
I have a dedicated 20 amp line + Core Power 1800, soon will add Deep Core
Long ago I followed Paul McGowan’s lead and went to completely deferentially balanced components.
My cables/interconnects of choice are WireWorld 8 series
In the last 2 years the class D amps I’ve owned includes EP 100.2SEs, Audio Alchemy DPA-1 (which, even at half the power, I much preferred to the EPs), PS Audio M700s, which I probably would still have today, but it took too long to find a buyer for the AA amp, so I sold them, which turned out to be a blessing as their sale provided the money to buy the EVS 1200, which runs circles around all the others mentioned and very fairly priced
My current source is a Oppo 105 with upgraded power supply and IEC + Ag wire to the power supply board which made a HUGE improvement I chose the 105 for audio only as it allows me to play redbook, SACD and DVD-A via it’s variable volume control at a very reasonable price