Which power cords help ameliorate digital glare/grain/digititus?

Do power cords make a difference in ameliorating digititus? If so, which component most benefits, cd transport, dac or integrated amplifier? Which component is most likely the cause of it? Which cable?
Ya gotta be real careful of that arthritis, dude. It’ll make it all the way up to the brain.
Everything makes a difference.   I would be sure your digital equipment isn't contributing before looking for cables, etc.  Why look for zebras when a horse is over there.
I have found that power cords can help with noise and EMI I found the biggest improvement in my digital library was my DAC. I have a Krell Digital Vanguard and initially I thought cool an internal DAC great until I got an external RME-ADI-2 DAC running balanced interconnects into my Krell. All I can say is WOW. I love my vinyl but the change in depth, warmth and clarity is amazing! 
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