Well Tempered Labs Record Player, thoughts on a used one?

Very intrigued by a Well Tempered Labs Record Player that is up for sale right here.....

Looks like a lot of detail changes to what I would consider the "norm" for a turntable certainly in the tone arm area.
Anybody had experience with these?
Are they as fiddly to set up as they look like they maybe and if so are they worth it in the final results?
Thoughts at all?
I did not go that route.
I considered that, a Lenco, mote upmarket Japan DD model but eventually purchased a Garrard 401 in a substantial plinth cw Micro Seiki MA505ls tone arm.
It is on my system page.
They are just to different to compare in all honesty.
The zx7 is near the top of the food chain as far as cassette decks go.
It has extended highs and lows but still manages the neat trick of playing buttery smooth and sweet.

The 401 has very extended highs with present phono and cart and is more engaging , fast and dynamic. It is a quite vivid reproduction of music.

I am thoroughly enjoying both.
I love Well Tempered tables... I know them very well and have made clones of their arms for personal use on both my idlers. Both the older and newer designs are brilliant and DO punch well above their price point. I have had the WTT since buying it used in 1990, bought a WTRP used and another that I'm selling. Also bought the plinth of a WT Simplex off eBay cheap, built the golf ball arm for it via 3d printing (looks similar to a 9" Amadeus but with greater adjustability) and built a lower base for it so I could use use a WTRP bearing, spindle and platter. Added the WT DPS. ALL Well Tempered's are fantastic players and way easy to use.
how does the amadeus compare to the old ’reference’ tt?

(very happy owner of an amadeus, just curious about the w firebaugh's old 'reference' table)