Hi All,
I am a newbie in Audio. I am looking for stereo setup for my room (22 ft long x 15 ft wide x 10 ft high). I have been following Tekton Double Impact (including this Thread) and very much impressed on the reviews. I like Mcintosh MA252 Integrated Amplifier but it has mixed reviews, one of the cons is it doesn't pair well with medium sensitvity speakers. I know DI is a High sensitivity speaker but I want to know if anyone has tried DI with MA252..?
I am a newbie in Audio. I am looking for stereo setup for my room (22 ft long x 15 ft wide x 10 ft high). I have been following Tekton Double Impact (including this Thread) and very much impressed on the reviews. I like Mcintosh MA252 Integrated Amplifier but it has mixed reviews, one of the cons is it doesn't pair well with medium sensitvity speakers. I know DI is a High sensitivity speaker but I want to know if anyone has tried DI with MA252..?