Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Though I brought up my own disgust with the cable industry to make a point about Thiel, I don't want to turn this thread in to a cable debate, as I'm sure you don't either.  So I'll just say, that although I know your position on cables, I took your last response to say you are ok with people being scammed or "bilked" of their money.   That's the part I took issue with, not that you personally find that cables make a difference.

I'm not here to argue against your personal experience with cables in this thread.  (But even granting that cables can sound different, that doesn't of course mean that some companies aren't making b.s. claims for their products, I'm sure you'll agree).

I don’t want to turn this thread in to a cable debate.

>>>>That’s pretty funny! 😬 
oblgny - thanks for the comparison, if you wouldn't mind, what kind of differences do you hear between the 2.3s and 2.4s?  Like you and prof have mentioned, I love the way these speakers sound from an adjacent room.  My kitchen/dining room is adjacent to the listening room, through a 3 foot door opening near the front right speaker, and I greatly enjoy listening from the next room, lots of "wow" moments there, and like some live music venues, you get pulled into the main room bc it sounds so real from next door.

I'm still sitting on your tail in a Super Hornet, all switches "ON."

Gray Eagle
Whooops! You must have accidentally switched your auto-destruct button ON as I don’t see anybody back there, just a big puff of smoke 💨