Phono stage for my system?

I am getting back into my vinyl collection and would like some recommendations from vinyl enthusiasts. My equipment includes the following. 

Ayre K-5xe pre-amp - no phono stage
Pro-ject Debut III turntable with stock Ortofon cartridge (OM 5e I believe)
Proceed HPA2 amp
Aerial Acoustics Model 8b speakers

I am currently using the phono stage in my Integra video processor/pre-amp the signal from which passes through the Ayre pre-amp. I find it lacking in detail and soundstage even when listening to some excellent DG and Decca classical recordings. I realize my cartridge may pose some limitations, so let me know if you view that as an area for potentially greater improvement. 

Given the level of my turntable and cartridge, my budget is up to $1,000 for the phono stage, with the understanding I may choose to upgrade the cartridge or turntable in the future.  Thanks in advance for your suggestions. 

Consider a Gold Note PH10 phono.
Adjustment for just about everything on the fly from the front panel.
Can connect 2 separate carts if required.
Has massive gain capability so down the road you could investigate really low output MC carts.
$1600 new, a few used around at right on 1k. I sold mine for $999 and only changed as I fancied playing with a tube phono stage.
Highly recommended!
JLTI is cheaper and absolutely amazing at its price for MM or MC
I have both Gold Note PH-10 and JLTI, the last one is best buy in my opinion! 

I do not recommend any tube phono stage, you can stuck with tube rolling forever and nice NOS tubes are extremely expensive (cost more than phono stage itself). It's just waste of time and money. 
second the Gold Note ph10. 

if wanting to spend much less for a rather surprising phono stage look at the Ifi Audio Iphono2 at <$500 its a killer phono stage with surprising adjustability for future carts. 
Thanks for the additional recommendations.  From reading your responses and prior threads about phono stages, there is no clear and obvious choice.  And I want to demo at least two or three, if possible.  

Three things I've seen repeated several times are (1) need to match phono pre-amp with the cartridge, especially MC cartridges (which is not an issue for me at this time given my MM cartridge), (2) benefits of having a phono stage that allows the user to adjust to match output, capacitance, etc. of cartridge, and (3) importance of a good power supply (no surprise to me).

Anyone have any experience with the Linn Uphorik, per my prior post?  As @millercarbon pointed out, a pre-owned high end phono stage is likely to outperform a new unit at a comparable price, (especially if a solid state unit with no tubes to replace). 
Yes no clear choice but I'll 3rd the Gold Note PH10. So very versatile as others have pointed out.