Phono stage for my system?

I am getting back into my vinyl collection and would like some recommendations from vinyl enthusiasts. My equipment includes the following. 

Ayre K-5xe pre-amp - no phono stage
Pro-ject Debut III turntable with stock Ortofon cartridge (OM 5e I believe)
Proceed HPA2 amp
Aerial Acoustics Model 8b speakers

I am currently using the phono stage in my Integra video processor/pre-amp the signal from which passes through the Ayre pre-amp. I find it lacking in detail and soundstage even when listening to some excellent DG and Decca classical recordings. I realize my cartridge may pose some limitations, so let me know if you view that as an area for potentially greater improvement. 

Given the level of my turntable and cartridge, my budget is up to $1,000 for the phono stage, with the understanding I may choose to upgrade the cartridge or turntable in the future.  Thanks in advance for your suggestions. 

Great work on doing your homework!

Yes the ph10 new is out of your budget but used is in and you could upgrade later with the PS if you felt like it was needed.

I am long time user of Ayre amps, first a Ax7e and now the qx8 so have used the ph10 through both of those amps.

But if new and getting a demo is high on your list then the ph10 is out for sure.

The phenomena II has a great rep but it's not one I have heard.

Always tough but if you do go used your 1k will buy a LOT more phono than new.
JLTI ships from Australia for about $1,000 U.S., with power supply upgrade about $340 more. The dealer’s description includes the following comments. Not sure if there is a U.S. dealer with a return policy that would allow me to demo the unit before purchase.

Buy directly from the manufacturer, shipping included in the price and the power supply already upgraded in mk5 version (all for $1490 AUD) and this price will be lower for you if you’re not in Australia as they will have to excluded tax when it will be exported from AU. Full support from the manufacturer directly by email, return is not a problem as far as i know. I bought directly from Joe, great service. This is what i use myself. This brand has such a long history and ever phono stage from JLTi was amazing, look for reviews.

P.S. I have Gold Note PH-10 with external Power Supply too. My old upgraded WLM Phonata Reference MM/MC phono stage (with built-in SUTs for MC) appeared to be much better than my new Gold Note PH-10, but also much more expensive.

Dear chakster, the English saying ''I am not rich to buy cheap things''
my look curious but does apply for phono-pres. What you need is
Klyne 7PX 3.5 RIAA phono-pre. 4 x amplifying  stages , ''endless''
impedance possibilities, high frequency correction system and first
class production quality. Sell one of your ''Miyabi's'' (nobody needs
two) and add to your miserable and wishful thinking $1000 illusion.
The best place to find one is the German ''''. 

Dear chakster, the English saying ’’I am not rich to buy cheap things’’
my look curious but does apply for phono-pres. What you need is
Klyne 7PX 3.5 RIAA phono-pre. 4 x amplifying stages , ’’endless’’
impedance possibilities, high frequency correction system and first
class production quality.

There are many good features in the Gold Note PH-10 too and amazing reviews, so many people love it, but it does not reproduce super tight bass as my WLM phono stage, or even as the JLTi which is a champ for its price and fully adjustable for MM and MC with RCA plug load resistors on the back.

It’s cool that you like your phono stage, but how many of them did you tried, just curious ? @nandric

Sell one of your ’’Miyabi’s’’ (nobody needs
two) and add to your miserable and wishful thinking $1000 illusion.
The best place to find one is the German ’’’’.

I need two Miyabi as i’m not gonna retip any of them, i will be happy to buy even one more, also it will help me to better understand which one i like on various tonearms, i can also compare my two (virtually unknown MCA vs. classic Standard). I want to remind you that german audio mart available for german and EU citizens only.

Actually there is one very interesting current load phono stage designed especially for Miyabi by 47 Labs. Read about it! I wish i could try this one.

P.S. Just want to make it clear that i don’t need any tube phono stages. It’s an endless quest with tube rollings and new versus nos, i am so happy that i don’t use tube gear any longer (at least at the moment in my system.

Dear chakster, I called you ''our second Raul'' but had no idea
how right I was. You both don't need any advise whatever so
the question is what you ask this one?