Suggestions for my system

Hi all - Looking for some suggestions on my system.  So right now I listen near field (just about 6 feet from the speakers) in a small room, around 13x11 feet.  I have a Rega Elicit-R amp with a Rega Saturn-R cd player, and a Rega Planar 8 and Aria for my analog front end.  Harbeth C7ES3's for speakers.  I primarily listen to classic Jazz and orchestral music through my setup.  My main goals in hifi are an expansive soundstage in width and depth, and holography.  My system right now is great, Rega has all the PRAT and is energetic to listen to however I feel like it's not the last word in lifelike representation.  I'm curious to try tube amps or different monitors as home demos to see if I can gain anything and was looking for some opinions on what I should seek out.  The loudest I listen is around 90db with peaks sometimes at 95 but no more.  Also, would like to stay integrated and not separates.  Thanks very much

My setup:
Rega Elicit-R
Rega Saturn-R
Rega Planar 8 with Hana SL
Rega Aria
Shunyata Denali, Alpha power cords
Teo interconnects
Great, try and get them set up with a sub if you can. Cross it up at 100 Hz. The effect is a spooky clean midrange and a sense of air and space you do not get without the sub.

Mike , I'm pleased you were able to experience that setup. Now you have a reference, but don't forget that your room will influence the presentation of the system playback. 

Not trying to push you into a purchase, but FYI, EAR makes an integrated as well.

Hi Mike,
    I recently picked up a pair of the Graham Chartwell LS3/5's,and I absolutely love them. I was wondering if you had a chance to audition these again,and did your take on them change?