High value, giant killer speakers?

What speakers have you heard at any price did you find are fairly priced or a great deal and competed with offerings much more expensive (2x, 3x, 4x etc)? 
Check out Seaton Sound and JTR Speakers.  Both offer extremely high performance speakers and subs at prices that are a tremendous value compared to many of the main-stream and boutique companies. 
Absolutely thrilled with the performance of my Tekton Double impact monitors, giant killers for sure
Absolutely without a doubt the new Sonus faber Sonetto 5's. I've owned Focals, B&W  702's and 705's (originals) and Sonus faber Venere 2.5's. For $4,999.00, these speakers far outperform their cost, and compare very favorably to others at twice the price or more. Designed and built in Italy with new woofer design and trickle-down tweeter design, the Sonetto's sing beautifully. Imaging, detail, separation, and easy placement are strong qualities. And their look speaks for itself.
I very recently heard the AudioSolutions Figuro M speakers. From Italy.

Not exactly cheap at $7500, but they sounded like they could compete with speakers at double the money.

Not to mention their finish looked like speakers costing a lot more.
I believe they’re from Lithuania.

Several reviews out there, including this one:

Pity that there only seem to be four dealers at the moment in the USA